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Taga (Muslim traditions) in India
pronounced: TAH-gah

Farming is the main vocation of the Taga people, often referred to as the Tyagi people. Tyaga is often used as a surname. They have two sub-groups: Dasa (or Daswan) and Bisa (or Biswan). The Dasa allow widows to re-marry but the Bisa forbid it. Marriages generally occur only within the Dasa and Bisa sub-groups. Each sub-group includes a number of clans, or gotras. Property is divided equally among sons only. The Taga may have been Brahmins at one time but have lost their priestly status.

Ministry Obstacles: Most of the Taga living in India live in Uttar Pradesh, the "home of Hinduism." This state has not given a home to the Christian gospel, however. Christians form only a tiny minority in this state.

Scripture Focus: "Then the king said to me, What are you requesting? So I prayed to the God of heaven."
- Nehemiah 2:4

Prayer Focus Pray that you will not pass up the chance for short, but effective prayers when you intercede for the nations. Pray that indigenous evangelists and church planters working in Uttar Pradesh would be made aware of the Taga people. Pray the Lord would send some of these workers to the Taga. Pray for those who will soon come to Christ from this people group, that they would be devoted to one another in brotherly love, honoring one another above themselves, not lacking in spiritual fervor, serving the Lord joyfully. Pray the Lord would open the eyes of the Taga so they will see Jesus as he truly is, the only way to reconciliation with the living God.


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